Beauty & Wellness

“No exterior grace is complete if it isn’t vitalized by inner beauty. The beauty of the soul shines as living light on the mysterious beauty of the body.” Victor Hugo.

In the last 12 years, my curiosity and instinct drew me to delve into the magical world of human expressiveness, enriching my training through several seminars on personal growth with Roy Martina and Rick Jarow where as experts in the development of creative potential and the expression of true personal identity. A further enrichment arrived when I started training in a therapeutic and expressive arts discipline called BIODANZA that helps to elevate the level of wellness and vitality, decrease stress and anxiety, by optimally strengthening self-esteem and confidence in oneself. My subsequent specialization in the Biodanza extension in “redemption of the mysteries of masculinity and femininity” provides me with useful elements to work on with the couple and give practical tips for creating better balance of the roles within the couple which creates the benefit of an intense bond, and strong and rich emotional exchange.

I work with this discipline and run classes for both adults and children, with joy and enthusiasm, and of course, courses for brides and grooms in various Italian cities.
As a leader in personal growth, trained at the Scuola dell’Opera e del Servizio (School of the Work and the Service) of “La Via di Casa” of Varese, I propose the format “the love that heals” inspired by the work of Louise Hay (famous therapist and author of many best-sellers that has changed the lives of many people in the world for the better).

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